
Global Food Education - Jamie Oliver's crusade

Last weekend we took our elder daughter on a bush walk. It was an 11 km walk and was quite challenging. We spent 3 and a half hours walking, admiring the beautiful views, looking at the interesting plants and enjoying some family time spent out in the fresh air.  On our drive home afterwards, we used some free vouchers we had to get McDonalds burgers, chips and coke.

Did we just spoil all that good exercise we just did? Are we sending the wrong message to our kids - rewarding them for exercise with fast food?  I don't believe so - I think balance is the key, if you have that, then kids can have treats and fast food so long as it's the exception rather than the rule. 

I've had conversations with other mums who won't let their kids drink coke, or have thing like chocolate cereal. Our kids do get sweet treats,  drink coke and eat fast food, but they have an overall healthy balanced diet and plenty of exercise and fresh air.

However it's not just about what we do and don't let our kids eat, it's about an understanding of what our bodies need, and educating our kids to make the right choices in terms of their health.

The obesity epidemic

1 in 4 Australian children are overweight or obese.

Shocking statistic isn't it?
We really need to take care of our children and educate them to ensure the best possible future for all of us.

Overfed and Undernourished

I recently read about a documentary film - Overfed and Undernourished, which follows an 11 year boy from Brisbane who was battling obesity. He moved in with his aunt and uncle who helped him to change his diet and lifestyle. In 3 months he lost 20 kg and became more active and and confident.  It's not so much a story of weight loss and diet, but of showing a lifestyle change that it is possible for others to make to fight, in particular, childhood obesity. Learning about the food we eat, taking control by learning how to cook it ourselves, and in addition becoming active. In short, how to lead a healthy active lifestyle.

Jamie Oliver's crusade

Jamie Oliver is well known for trying to educate people on healthy eating having made many TV shows helping people learn how to cook, and also trying to change school meals to become healthier.

Now, Jamie Oliver has just launched a global petition to fight for better food education in schools. This petition is starting in Australia, and yes I have signed it, but is, as its title suggests, it is a worldwide petition. His aim is to create a large enough movement to make G20 governments take action to combat the obesity epidemic the western world is facing.

Education is the key to better, healthier lifestyles for our kids. And Jamie Oliver is providing a great platform for this to start and continue to grow.

Food Revolution Day 2015

On May 15th this year, Food Revolution Day will take place around the world. This event started in 2012 and is growing each year. Last year's Food Revolution Day saw over 9000 events held in over 121 countries! People get together to hold cooking classes, events and dinners aiming to encourage good and healthy eating for all.

If you still need convincing of the need for this food revolution - please watch Jaime Oliver's TED talk from 2010. It's just 20 minutes long, but very powerful and clearly explains the problem and what needs to be done, can be done and is already being done!
I'm certainly going to get our girls aware of and involved in Food Revolution Day this year. Perhaps we can get their school involved, but at the very least they will be cooking and learning more about healthy food with me at home.

Visit Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Site to see how you can get involved in this great movement - by signing the petition, educating your own kids, or something bigger!

What will you do?


  1. Great post Jill. Over the years I have researched the benefits of all kinds of diets for my kids to assist with their issues associated with ASD. We have tried gluten free, dairy free, additive and preservative free and while all definitely showed benefits they were quite unsustainable in reality. Like you, I strive for a balanced healthy diet consisting of a variety of foods from all food groups that are as close to their natural source as possible. Balance is definitely the key :)

    1. Thanks Michelle. I know I sometimes read about the dangers of eating something, or the benefits of another and want to try them - but I agree, the reality of sticking to some diet choices is hard - both physically and financially. I think our bodies are amazing things and so long as we treat them right overall, they can cope with some of the 'bad' stuff here and here!


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