
Sudoku – a globally addictive puzzle game or fun with numbers?

Sudoku is not maths (as opposed to magic squares, which are!) and is universally understandable.  It is generally done by filling in numbers (or alternatively, symbols, pictures or letters) to allow a logical solution to be discovered.  We can see Sudoku’s place as an educational tool or extension of a child’s ability to play with numbers and not fear them.  Everyone should Sudoku, at least once….

Simply, Sudoku (single number) is a 9x9 grid divided into 3x3 sub grids with a few ‘given’ numbers as hints.  They vary from very easy ( to general Sudoku ( both links give online versions as well as printables.  Warning: these can be addictive; do not try if you have to do something with your kids soon.

The topic of Sudoku addiction pops up frequently due to the ease of availability of Sudokus online, in newspapers (also heralded as the saviour of paper newspapers due to their ability to meet the daily fix) and cheap or free access in every corner of life.  I even remember one Christmas where I was given Sudoku toilet paper!  The sense of accomplishment is the part which gives the real addictive aspect to Sudoku and for kids, this is the key to giving an opportunity where numbers are fun not just school work.

In saying this, I am definitely an advocate for the introduction of kids to Sudoku.  From a kids perspective, from the age of 6 up Sudokus with varying degrees of difficulty can easily be found.  Working together with children and helping them with the logic and ability to see patterns is just another opportunity to spend one to one time with your child.  As Sudoku does not use maths, it is the aspects of concentration, focus and the ability to do something methodically that are a huge boost for children in an effort to get them to ‘see something through’.
Interestingly, Sudoku has tenuous links to preventing and easing depression, helping prevent dementia and Alzheimers- see New England Journal of Medicine.  Whilst I have a strong belief that if you say something enough and find and survey the appropriate sample of people, anything can be ‘proved’, I do see how exercising the brain, using sustained logic and working the brain can in no way hurt the brain!!  Boosting concentration and the sense of completion as the tricky little devils ‘work their way out’ does make you feel like you have succeeded even if you have had a shocking day!
I can personally attest to the fact that for short periods, Sudoku can be addictive, I remember not wanting to go shopping or to go and play with the kids until I had finished the Sudoku I was doing or feeling fed up as I scrumple another section of the newspaper into a ball as the Sudoku was obviously broken!!  For kids, the ability to deal with success and failure on a small scale should also be a good thing.



  1. I have never done Sudoku. I will definitely give it a try. I have one child who loves trivia, crosswords,etc..I expect this would be something she would enjoy as well.
    I'm glad to have found your blog through the Tuesday Hop!
    Have a great week!

  2. Following you back from the Totally Tuesday Blog Hop. Thank you so much for your visit to my blog and your comment. I've never done Sudoku either - I had no idea it was so good for you! I'll have to give it a try!

  3. This is really interesting. I've never done Sudoku because it always looks so complicated to me.

    Found you through Tuesday blog hops.
    CJ xx

  4. I am not so good at Sudoku LOL
    I am a new follower from the Tuesday Blog hop

  5. Thanks for the follow! I am following you back! I would love to learn how to do Sodoku...I am awful at that kind of thing! I might have to give it a shot!
    Brandy at

  6. Thanks for stopping by Kortney's Krazy Life! I'm following you back!

    I love yahtzee and Sodoku! It took me forever to figure out how to do it but I love it now! I could set for hours and do it!

    Have a great evening!! Kortney

  7. I LOVE Sudoku and admit that I'm a recovery addict! These are a wonderful way to pass the time and perfect for lazy weekend afternoons. Yes, there is a slight rush of accomplishment when you've mastered a puzzle without flaws, however, when one becomes broken or the sense of fun begins to seep out of the situation, you have to do what Kenny Rogers suggested in his hit "The Gambler":

    You got to know when to hold 'em,
    Know when to fold 'em,
    Know when to walk away,
    Know when to run.

    If you don't follow ol' Kenny's advice, you'll end up with many a headache. Trust me; I know.


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