
Play ball games

OK, put down the remote, slowly....., step away from the television.

There is definitely too much screen time happening around the world these days.
I remember the days.....

In all seriousness, it is true.  Between television and computers the kids and 'youth of today' are definitely turning into blobs and vegetables too soon!  We need to get up off our backsides and get into the garden, park, forest or just plain simple outdoors more!

Here in Cairns, the wet season is too good an excuse to stay indoors, but in that lovely twilight or later afternoon time, if it isn't raining, that is the perfect time as the day cools down to be outside.

We recently grabbed the scooter, the cricket bat and a tennis ball and had an impromptu game of backyard cricket or rounders/softball!. The girls loved it- it also really made me realise how much more we need to play ball games as their catching skills at the age of 5 and 7 are NOT up to scratch.  Mental note..... play catch more!

We set up the scooter as stumps or home base and one person batted.  The other two took turns bowling or pitching and fielding as appropriate.  We even hit a few home runs (over the fence and into the road outside).  This lead to some traffic and road awareness discussions too; bonus!

It was great to see the girls developing throwing, catching and hand eye hitting the ball skills.

We had great fun and will do this again.  It was definitely better than sitting on our bums wasting away.
Rant, rant, rave rave- but yes, the kids of today need more exercise.  Get them away from the screens!!!

Do you agree, or am I playing devil's advocate too much?
What do you play with your kids in the garden?



  1. Jill: Thanks for hopping over to "Meet Me on Monday"!

    As far as your question, Do you reckon kids under 10 should be drinking coke? Well, I don't really think a lot of soda is all that good for anyone. So, my motto is this: IN MODERATION! My boys are 18 and 13 and they don't drink all that much soda. Believe it or not, they prefer WATER!

    And I'm in total agreement that kids should MOVE! Great post! Except I was one of those girlie-girls that closed her eyes when the ball was headed for her and normally got bopped on the head! My Dad and Pap used to get SO frustrated with me!

  2. You're right, our children are becoming couch potatoes before our very eyes, but that's our fault! We should get out more. I don't go out nearly enough but my daughter is very much an outside child; she loves the fresh air and playing on her bike.

    CJ xx

  3. My son is 16 and he's addicted to computers/video games. The only "good" thing about it is he gets good grades because we use the computer as punishment. You get a "B" or "C" and the computer is gone during the school week!
    Works like a charm!
    I'm your newest follower from the hop! Hope you can hop by and follow me:
    I also have a Smashbox Eyeshadow Giveaway $28 RV, if interested:

  4. Even during the winter, we only watch so much tv. We do lots of crafts, or play tag around the house. When it's sunny out, we're RARELY indoors. We live for the sunshine, the park, the pool and basketball. I agree with you; tv is taking over everything. I'd love to see the cable go out world-wide, if just for a weekend, haha! =]

  5. A lot of parents depend on video games and tv to be babysitters. I think they should spend time with their kids and actually get out to enjoy the weather, when the weather turns good. I agree with you!

    Visiting and following you from Monday blog hops! Hopefully you can visit and follow us as well!

    Krissy @ Mommy Misc...

  6. I loved your post! Yesterday when I wanted to take a little afternoon nap the boys next door were outside playing basketball (and being very loud). I looked at my husband and said "what's wrong with kids today? Why aren't they inside playing video games or watching television like normal children?" He handed me earplugs and laughed.

  7. Anything active to get them moving and away from the TV is good! What did we play in the garden? I had 2 sons, grown now. We always played soccer in the back yard. Most every day. They loved it.


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