
Kids writing and illustrating books

Last year our younger daughter brought home her class pet hermit crabs for a weekend. It was an interesting experience - and we learned about taking care of them and enjoyed watching them scuttle around their glass tank.

When we had them at our house, our daughter asked if we could write a story about them.  Now I have written several stories for our girls - and do hope one day to have them published,  so that is perhaps where she got the inspiration from!  She was also starting to write more herself at that time, learning all her correct letter formation and so writing was becoming important for her too.

Over the weekend, I wrote a story about the two hermit crabs - with her help - and we then printed the story out, and she illustrated it!   She was very proud to take it to school with her and have the teacher read it out to the class.  It was also good to have a story about her, and something that was happening in her life.  Looking back at this book now - a year later, it's such a lovely keepsake to have!  A little snapshot of a point in time.

Both our girls have now written lots of their own little stories - with stapled together pages, and beautiful illustrations!  I sometimes wonder how much of that is influenced by the fact that I write stories for them - and so are they copying my example?  Or is it just that they have a love of stories and books and so want to create their own? I wonder if they will continue to write stories as they get older? I do hope so!

Do your kids write or draw their own stories? Have you encouraged this at all?


  1. Hi just calling by whilst blog hopping. Love your post. What a wonderful way to encourage your daughter into writing and reading. My daughter has always had a love of books. She actually preferred them to dolls. She was always carrying a book around. Be sure to come by and say hi. Sarah

  2. I'm a new follower from the Blog Hop. I love your post. I love to read and to write too and so do both my daughters. My older daughter and I write stories and the little one walks around scribbling letters on a piece of paper and says she is writing a story too even though she doesn't really know how to spell yet. I actually have a blog of stories I write for my younger daughter. Feel free to check it out at
    and/or check out my other blog where my older daughter and I write about everything

  3. I started out making books for my kids and eventually they started creating their own books. They still do and they love sharing them.


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