
Play Park Tour

The first week of the school holidays has now passed. Our girls have had a week of exploring their new Samsung tablets, and I've managed to get Christmas presents organised for the relatives and post school term things have begun to calm down!

We decided this morning that it was time to get out, get some fresh air and do something active together.

A while ago, the girls and I began to do our own play park tours in the school holidays.  They love going to simple play parks with swings and slides, and whenever we drive past one they ask if we can go there sometime.

Today we did about a 3km circuit around the streets near our house - taking in 4 different play parks.  We played I-spy, shops with twigs and stones for money, and also did some times tables while swinging (a habit we started when they first began learning their times tables, and they still enjoy now!).

We were out for almost 2 hours playing. Fortunately our play parks here all have water "bubblers" (drinking fountains), as it's pretty hot here now. (summer in Cairns!).

Once we got home, we were all so hot we jumped in our pool - where the girls stayed and played for another couple of hours!

What a great morning. So much fun, very active and we even squeezed in some maths practice too!!
We'll definitely be doing more of these play park tours - some on foot - and perhaps some further afield on our bikes!

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