
Naplan numeracy practice Grade 3 - Geometry

Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of

 shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space

Geometry is one of the areas covered by the Grade 3 Naplan test.

   One type of question I've noticed a few times is identifying a 

specific person in a 'photo' . For example the question may ask 

what number jumper the person in the back row, second from the

 right is wearing.  This is basic geometry - in terms of identifying 

relative position of figures.

To practice this basic skill, we got out some of the girls school class

 photos from the last few years. We then practised by asking them

 who was sitting or standing, for example - third from the left in the

 front row. We also reversed this by asking them to describe to us

 where a particular friend was in the photo. The girls enjoyed

 looking back over the years to see how they and their friends have

 grown and changed - this provided a good distraction from the

 'maths' aspect of this activity!

Another great and fun way to practice some basic geometry is to

 play Battleships.   There are also often questions which ask the 

kids to identify locations and items on a grid - using battleship

 ideas to plot co-ordinates.

A couple of years ago I made our girls their own Battleships folders

which are a great thing to have with us with ready printed sheets

 and a pencil each to play any time, anywhere! You can print your

 own Battleships grids here! Or just draw your own on scrap paper.

 This is another great, easy activity that needs very little 


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