
Minecraft - providing geometry practice for Naplan?

Last week our daughters asked to download the game Minecraft onto their tablets to play.

It's an interesting game where you get to use your imagination to build whatever you want mostly using cubes.
There doesn't seem to be a particular goal to reach to end the game - a bit of survival, some adventure and lots and lots of creativity.

One thing that did strike me when I was looking at this game - was the fact that you build things using cubes - and get to see those buildings in 3D.  This reminded me of some of the numeracy questions on Naplan tests for both Grade 3 and Grade 5:

Playing Minecraft and building 3D shapes using cubes will give kids at least an awareness of these structures and because in the game, then can walk around them and see them from different sides - this should help them with the above type of question as it will give them an experience of their own to relat the question to.

My girls will be pleased to know that they are practising for their Naplan tests whilst playing this new game!!

Do you or your kids play Minecraft?

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