
Using Lego to encourage kids to write stories

I recently stumbled across a new lego set called 'Story Starter". It comes with a software kit and the idea is that kids can design, build and write their own story using the lego kit. They then take photos of the scenes, and use those photos in the software to create, then print their own story using different templates, like comic books or newspapers.
Here's a video that shows a little more:
What a great idea!
One of our daughter's friends recently made a short video with the help of her mum, using her toys set up in scenes. Our girls were very impressed with this, and now want to try making their own movies of stories they make up with their toys!  

I need to look for some video editing programmes or apps to help them with this, and after seeing this Lego idea, I think I'll suggest this story making type of idea too!

Does anyone know of any good programmes or websites that you can use to edit videos or have templates for adding photos to make stories? 
Have you tried this with your kids?
I'd love any suggestions or ideas.

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