
Family Games Night

One of my fondest childhood memories is of playing card and board games with my family in the evenings.  We used to go on lots of camping holidays, and that was how we spent our evenings - playing card games, Yahtzee and 'Sorry'. I know it wasn't just the games I enjoyed, but the time spent as a family, just my parents, my brother and myself.

Recently I read an article in our local free parenting magazine about having a family games night, and thought this might be a fun thing to do with our girls.  We do play games occasionally, and know how they are not only fun, but great for kids education, and mental development. We have a large selection of games in the cupboard, and really they don't get used often enough.

So perhaps to have one particular night a week set aside for family games, would be a way to actually use all of those games. I'm sure we'd all look forward to it, and create some of those memories for our kids, like I have of my own childhood family games nights.

How often do you play board or card games with your kids? Do you ever have family games nights?

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